Ing. Melinda Marcziová

Executive Director,
Project Manager and Translator
Melinda founded our company with the purpose to help our clients close business deals with their foreign partners using our translation or interpretation services. She studied International Trade at the University of Economics in Bratislava and took a state exam in Hungarian language. She is a member of the Slovak Association of Translators and Interpreters. Her translation pen produced three books and five workbooks for children.

Establishing Our Company

Our company Intelligent Translations was established in 2012 with the goal to help other companies, institutions, state administration bodies as well as individuals and publicly known persons to achieve, that their written (printed or online texts) and spoken (live or recorded) communications, were translated correctly, and simultaneously represented the level of readers’ and listeners’ mother tongue.


Our main mission is to help our clients grow in foreign markets with translations they can trust.


We found out pretty fast that our clients appreciate our goal. They began to recommend our services to their friends and were interested in translations from many different fields and to more and more languages.

With the effort to provide the highest standards of translation to as many languages as possible, we had to expand and cooperate with colleagues from different countries who specialise in various fields. We took part in many home and foreign training and educational courses and we focus on honest translations.

So, our key activity has become building of translation procedures and teams of co-workers tailor-made for our clients. The results of our hard work is an intelligent translation, to which the readers and listeners naturally react more willingly.

Our Plans

This way, we are following our purpose and take responsibility for translations, thanks to which individuals, institutions and companies are able to better communicate with the entire world. For a worldwide communication our clients usually choose electronic (online) tools like websites, e-books, videos, or movies.
For this reason, we focused our work on providing translation of online texts, which will be favourable for internet browsers, easily readable for e-book lovers and through meaningful subtitles ensure real understanding for viewers and listeners. This intention then became a solid basis of our motto:

Reach your customers around the world and expand!